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Pele krdni computer ?



بو‌ په‌له‌ کردنی کومپیوه‌ته‌ره‌که‌ت ئه‌م جه ند شیوهیه‌ به‌ کار بینه‌

1= Start--->Run--prefetch  = چیت بینی بیسره‌وه‌
2= Start--->Run--->%temp%

3= Start--->Run--->dllcache= (srinaway dll)chit bo hat klik bke ser No

4= Start--->Run--->cleanmgr = ( پاک کردنه‌وه‌ )

5= Start--->Run--->dfrg.msc   =( bo ryk xstni failekan )

6= Start--->Run--->msconfig--->start up  (se7ekan la bere bes leser xati interneteket bihylewe+intivirus+aw shtay ka to atawet bas )

7= Start--->Run--->sfc /Scannow  = dll بو گه‌رانه‌وه‌ی pywistit ba cd windows xp ia

8= Start / Run / Regedit / HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /  Software /Microsoft / Windows / Current Verison / Explorer / RemoteComputer /
Namespace / Lama Bgare  {D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} Bisrawa

9= Leme bgare  WaitToKillAppTimeout  leser 20000 bike be 3000

10= Start / Run / Regedit / HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Control Panel / Desktop /

Windowmetrics/ Lama Bgare MinAnimate lasar 1 bika ba 0

11= Start / Run / Regedit / HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / System /

CurrentControlSet / Control / leser 20000 bike be 3000

12= Start / Run / Regedit / HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Control Panel / Desktop /

Lama Bgare MenuShowDelay lasar 400 bika ba 0

13= Start / Run / Regedit / HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE /  Software /Microsoft / Windows NT / CurrentVerison / AeDebug / Bgare la Auto bika ba 0

chend shtyki tr le ( Run )

1= Sndvol32.exe   = volyomi dengekan

2 = RunDll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %windir%infmsmsgs.inf,BLC.Remove        = srinewey windows messenger

3= regedit = Bo krdnewey shashey Regester
4= calc    = 7asibe

5= command  = dos

6= taskman   = krdnaway panjerekan

7= temp  = bo file mwaqatakan

8= dxdiag     = bo zanini mwasafati computereket

9= pbrush   = bo krdnaway penjerey ( paint )

10= progman    = bo krdnewey penjerey ( program manejer )

11= debug   = bo zanini shyway karti shashe

12= sysedit   = bo krdnewey systemi configrition editior

13= packager   = Bo gorini dikori File

14= msiexec  = zanyari beser mavi bernamekan w xeti internyteket

15= mobsync   = bo bekar hyneni internet explorer be oflein 

16= drwatson   = bo krdnawey bernamey dctor watson bo scan le hele

17= cliconfg   = yarmeti le pywendi bo internet

18= ftp = File Transfer Protocol

19= telnet   = bo pywendi be tel

